Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

This morning in a South African courtroom, Oscar Pistorius was found guilty by the judge for killing his girlfriend last year on Valentine's day. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but may only have to serve 10 months in federal prison and serve the rest of the sentence on house arrest. He may also have to serve community sentence as well.
Based on the jurisdiction given down, I believe that Pistorius got off too easy for his crime. He was basically charge for a misdemeanor, although in reality he committed murder. The charge that he was given for his crime was copable homicide, which is equivalent to manslaughter in the United States. I feel like this punishment didn't give this case any justice because while the case was going on, Pistorious had the ability to still live in a luxurious lifestyle, instead of rotting in a prison cell. His crime was intentional, and I feel that the punishment should be more extensive for covering it up. Like Howard Baker once said, "It is almost always the cover-up rather than the event that causes trouble."
Pistorious presented himself as a miracle in the 2012Olympics, for winning several medals for his leg blades. He inspired others to live the dream, and to strive hard to make your dreams come true. Although his off the track actions, has ultimately ruined his career forever. His career started when he was very little. He was born without shin bones, which ultimately helped his success in the paraolympics as well as the regular olympics. He was called the blade runner because of his carbon fiber blades that propelled him down the track and across the finish line. With success brought Pistorious fame, and a time he owned several ferraris, a stable of thoroughbred horses, two African white tigers, and exuberant amounts of money, that eventually was taken away from him after one stupid mistake. 

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