Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How Facebook Revolutionizes the Future of Writing

With the world now in a technology age, many experts agree that the age of journalism will never be the same because of the way many people interact with the internet compared to regular books. The only problem is, what will happen to those who provide the manual labor that goes in to create news stories that fulfills customers needs and demands. The idea created by the author is computers will soon be programmed to have a mind of its owned. Although, change is likely, but it would be too soon to get rid of people capable of creating thoughtful news stories. By creating advanced computers, humans would lose the ability to contribute to the work force. In other words, something as little as newspapers online, is hurting the economy because it is eliminating job opportunities for many companies that create newspapers by just using a simple printing press.
      Although an argument can be made that Facebook and other online social media outlets can make a positive impact. By generating news through numerous "feeds," social media makes the connection between users that helps understand news a little bit better. A comment section provides insight, as well as views on both sides of a topic. That is one difference that sets social media apart from newspapers. With newspapers, you are forced to read one editor or author's point of view, without being able to take away from the article. Plus social media doesn't cost any money. As a reader, you can get the same amount of information on social media compared to newspapers that cost money.

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