Saturday, January 3, 2015

Torture Report

After reading the article posted by, I believe the torture report will affect the CIA's image going forward because the type of acts referenced in the report is simply not tolerated at all in modern day society. This report was just released nearly 13 years after the 9/11 attacks. So why does it take this long to expose the CIA? Just the fact that the CIA used these techniques are simply shocking.
     If you look within the report some of the techniques stated include waterboarding, mock executions, rectal feeding, sleep deprivation, and threats of rape. These techniques go against the constitution of the United States, as well as the Declaration of the United States. Not only did it go against people's basic rights, but it was also a violation of freedom, as expressed in the Declaration. The CIA had no right to forcefully interrogate people, especially to the point of death. It was completely illegal, and I believe the government has the right to send any people  involved in this to trial, to eliminate the possibility of future corruption. This type of corruption occurs in other countries as well, but as a country that prides itself on being free.
     This is not the first time U.S. Congress wanted to reform the CIA. Back in the 1970's, it was discovered that Sen. Frank Church's representatives had been involved in assassination attempts and spied on U.S. citizens. This led to reform Congress was able to pass Foreign Intelligence Act. This type of reform could be used in conjunction with the 8th amendment of the constitution. Although the amendment specifically addresses cases in Supreme court, it should be extended into the Intelligence Organization as well. The amendment prevents cruel and unfair punishment, and should be applied to this case as well. Reform is needed for a better CIA, and it all starts at the hands of the U.S. government, and once they do this, the country will be more united.

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