Monday, December 1, 2014


After the judgement came down from the Judicial Branch regarding the Ferguson case, the white police officer was not indicted on charges after killing Michael Brown. I was surprised by the final result because I did think the officer was guilty, however, there wasn't enough sufficient evidence, that would make him guilty for the charges relating to the case. The two charges that came up before the final judgement was given was 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, and manslaughter. As for the riots, I believe the riots would happen either way no matter if the officer Wilson was guilty or not. The main goal is to find justice between both races of people, and violent protests seemed like the only option for weeks leading up to the trial.
    The riots are not only reckless to the entire community, but is also bringing a bad reputation to the town and surrounding areas such as St. Louis. They are losing visitors and tourists, because many fear for their safety and well being. According to a report, 90% of the people who took part in the protests were not from the Ferguson area. It was if they were instigators, and elevated the situation to extreme hype when it didn't have to be. After listening to interviews on the news outlets on TV, I can conclude that citizens of Ferguson wanted peaceful protests, and many within the town didn't support violent protests because it would affect their businesses and homes in the city. It was the outsiders who burned down houses and looted businesses.
    This case can be dated back Treyvon Martin. He was shot and killed by a police officer at night, after he was carrying skittles and ice tea. Martin turned out to be innocent, after it was concluded by the Grand Jury that Zimmerman had a long rap sheet related to misuse of firearms, and now can no longer possess them. After Zimmerman was freed on bail, he attempted to shoot another person, and found himself back in a jail cell. Protests erupted as a result for justice for Treyvon Martin, although, the protesters took a different approach to get their voices heard. They followed civil disobedience, and protested peacefully by picketing and holding small assemblies to voice the peace.

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